Source code for hilearn.plot.box_plot

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .base_plot import hilearn_colors

[docs]def boxgroup(x, labels=None, conditions=None, colors=None, notch=False, sys='', widths=0.9, patch_artist=True, alpha=1, **kwargs): """ Make boxes for a multiple groups data in different conditions. Parameters ---------- x: a list of multiple groups The input data, e.g., [group1, group2, ..., groupN]. If there is only one group, use [group1]. For each gorup, it can be an array or a list, containing the same number of conditions. labels: a list or an array The names of each group memeber conditions: a list or an array The names of each condition colors : a list of array The colors of each condition notch : bool Whether show notch, same as matplotlib.pyplot.boxplot sys : string The default symbol for flier points, same as matplotlib.pyplot.boxplot widths : scalar or array-like Sets the width of each box either with a scalar or a sequence. Same as matplotlib.pyplot.boxplot patch_artist : bool, optional (True) If False produces boxes with the Line2D artist. Otherwise, boxes and drawn with Patch artists alpha : float The transparency: 0 (fully transparent) to 1 **kwargs: further arguments for matplotlib.pyplot.boxplot, e.g., `showmeans`, `meanprops`: Returns ------- result: dict The same as the return of matplotlib.pyplot.boxplot Examples -------- .. plot:: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from hilearn.plot import boxgroup >>> np.random.seed(1) >>> data1 = [np.random.rand(50), np.random.rand(30)-.2, np.random.rand(10)+.3] >>> data2 = [np.random.rand(40), np.random.rand(10)-.2, np.random.rand(15)+.3] >>> meanprops={'markerfacecolor': 'w', 'markeredgecolor': 'w'} >>> boxgroup(data1, conditions=("G1","G2","G3"), showmeans=True, meanprops=meanprops) >>> >>> boxgroup([data1, data2], labels=("G1","G2","G3"), conditions=["C1","C2"]) >>> """ box_data = [] cond_num = len(x) cond_loc = np.zeros(len(x)) x_loc = np.array([]) for i in range(len(x)): if type(x[i]) == np.ndarray: if len(x[i].shape) == 1: temp_loc = np.arange(1) box_data.append(x[i]) group_num = 1 else: group_num = x[i].shape[1] temp_loc = np.arange(x[i].shape[1]) for j in range(x[i].shape[1]): box_data.append(x[i][:,j]) else: box_data += x[i] group_num = len(x[i]) temp_loc = np.arange(len(x[i])) if i == 0: x_loc = temp_loc cond_loc[i] = np.mean(temp_loc) else: cond_loc[i] = np.mean(temp_loc)+x_loc[-1]+2 x_loc = np.append(x_loc, x_loc[-1]+2+temp_loc) bp = plt.boxplot(box_data, notch, sys, positions=x_loc, widths=widths, patch_artist=patch_artist, **kwargs) if colors is None: colors = hilearn_colors for i in range(len(box_data)): bp['medians'][i].set(color='blue', linewidth=2, alpha=alpha) bp['caps'][i].set(color='grey', linewidth=0, alpha=alpha) bp['caps'][i+len(box_data)].set(color='grey', linewidth=0, alpha=alpha) bp['whiskers'][i].set(linestyle='solid', color='grey', linewidth=2, alpha=alpha) bp['whiskers'][i+len(box_data)].set(linestyle='solid', color='grey', linewidth=2, alpha=alpha) bp['boxes'][i].set(color=colors[i%group_num], linewidth=2, alpha=alpha) # if showmeans is True: # print("testing", [x_loc[i]], [np.mean(box_data[i])]) # plt.plot([x_loc[i]], [np.mean(box_data[i])], 'o') # plt.plot([x_loc[i]], [np.mean(box_data[i])], # color='firebrick', marker='*')#, markeredgecolor='k', , markersize=9 if labels is not None: for i in range(group_num): plt.scatter([], [], s=150, c=colors[i], marker='s', edgecolor='none', alpha=alpha, label=labels[i]) if conditions is not None: plt.xticks(cond_loc, conditions) if labels is not None: plt.legend(loc="best", scatterpoints=1, fancybox=True, ncol=group_num) # plt.grid(alpha=0.4) plt.xlim(x_loc[0]-0.7, x_loc[-1]+0.7) return bp